maximice is the network of the MICE industry. This is where exceptional providers for meetings, incentives & events, interesting facts about the MICE industry, professionalism and know-how come together. Through our events and activities event planners are regularly and highly professional informed. We partner qualified suppliers with the right event planners. We unite what belongs together. Furthermore, we advise hotels in terms of strategy, positioning, sales & marketing and are innovative drivers and networkers in the industry.
X - The "x" in maximice stands for networking, linking, matching supply and demand.
C - The "c" is based on maximize (English for maximize), the industry reference to the MICE industry and for you as a hotel owner interesting profit optimization or maximization.
Since 2014, maximice supports national and international hotels and destinations in sales and marketing. Customers include the global big players, hotels from the Leading Hotels of the World portfolio, as well as smaller collections and individual hotels.
Here is an excerpt from the references: Disneyland Paris, Grand Hotel Miramar, Brenners Park Hotel & Spa, Beachcomber Hotels, Jumeirah Hotels, Italian Hospitality Collection, Daios Cove Crete and many more.